Is It Time To Remove My Wisdom Teeth?

 In Dentistry

Why remove wisdom teeth?

There are a few reasons why dentists are recommended that wisdom teeth needed to be removed. Depending on how your wisdom teeth position it could put a strain on the rest of your teeth and gum. The angle of the wisdom teeth could cause the rest of the tooth to be pushed forward. Even if you were to have a brace or invisalign it can undo all work it put to straighten your teeth. Keeping your wisdom teeth can also cause your teeth and gum to feel pain or discomfort.

When is it the right time to remove wisdom teeth?

Now that summer is here. This will be a good opportunity to schedule your wisdom teeth extraction. Why summer you may be asking? Usually, around the summer most school semesters will be over. You won’t have to worry about any school responsibilities. This can give you more time to recover the post wisdom teeth surgery.

Making A Plan

Here are some of the few things that you will need to prepare before the day of the wisdom teeth extraction. Make sure that you schedule day offs from work. Gather all the food that you will need post wisdom teeth surgery. The only kinds of food you can eat for the first week are soft food like mashed potato, soups, and yogurt. Finish any household chores. Have ice pack in your home just in case if you start to feel discomfort from the sallow in the face. Also have pain medication that your dentist recommends in home. And finally, have a trusted friend or family to take care of you during the recovery process.

What to do after the wisdom teeth extraction?

After the surgery, for the next couple of days, you will need to stay in bed. So take it easy and don’t do any physical activity that will make it difficult to recover. Find any movie or show to distract yourself. Follow your dentist’s instructions. Make sure to keep brushing your teeth, just be careful on the back part of your teeth. And don’t eat anything hot, crunchy, or spicy.

Need more information about wisdom teeth?

Talk with your dentist if you have any concerns with your wisdom teeth. If you are in a need of oral surgery. Then make a call with Wurzbach Parkway Family Dental at (210) 877-2273.

Wurzbach Family Dental is a San Antonio Dentist office with cutting-edge technology, exceptional customer service, and a warm and comfortable environment. We write about the latest news in the industry and provide dental tips for our patients.
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