5 Dental Myths That Shock All Patients

 In General

It’s not uncommon for patients to believe some of the dental myths that society has cooked up. However, debunking these myths is important for us to ensure that our patients have up-to-date information on maintaining their oral health. We believe that preventative dentistry starts at home, that’s why your family should know the truth about these five dental myths!

Dental Myth #1 – White Teeth Are Healthy Teeth

It’s true that teeth are the most common feature people are attracted to. In fact, most people make the assumption that white teeth are clean and healthy. However, that doesn’t mean the best looking teeth are also in the best shape. Studies done by the American Dental Association show that periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, is known to lurk even behind pearly white teeth! Treatments like teeth whitening don’t treat tooth decay or cavities, they simply just lighten the color of the tooth. This is why brushing and flossing on a daily basis is so important for your oral health.

Dental Myth #2 – Baby Teeth Don’t Need To Be Brushed

This particular myth is the farthest from the truth! Baby teeth should be cleaned from the moment they erupt from a child’s gums. Baby teeth play an important role in a child’s development! In fact, decayed baby teeth can lead to oral pain, speech issues and even problems with eating. Not to mention, that they affect the adult teeth as well, often causing misalignments that will lead to orthodontics in the future.

Dental Myth #3 – If You Have Bad Breathe, You Must Have Poor Oral Hygiene

This is a very common misconception about oral hygiene and bad breath, also known as halitosis. The truth is poor oral hygiene is only one of the possible causes of halitosis. There are many things that can cause our breath to acquire a foul scent. These causes include foods with strong odors, illnesses and even certain medications. Bad breath is very treatable, as well as avoidable with the right information!

Dental Myth #4 – The More Sugar You Eat, The More Cavities You Will Develop

This myth is probably the most shocking to most patients. In fact, many people believe that the amount of sugar is what they should pay attention to when avoiding cavities. However, the amount of time that the sugar sits on your teeth is what counts the most. It is very important to brush your teeth, especially after eating a lot of sugar! This is what bacteria consume, creating an acid attack on your teeth. The faster you clear your mouth of sugar, the less you have to worry about cavities! We suggest that our patients brush their teeth about half an hour after eating, especially if they consumed food that contains a lot of sugar.

Dental Myth #5 – Flossing Is Just An Extra Precaution

Some people falsely believe that flossing is just a little extra protection. However, the truth is that flossing is vital to our oral health. Patients who don’t floss actually miss 35% of a tooth’s surface area, leaving it exposed to tooth decay over time. This surface area is hard to reach for a toothbrush, making it susceptible to periodontal disease and even cavities. These areas are also the most commonly associated with bleeding gums, which are a sign of periodontal disease! It is through these bleeding gums that oral bacteria enter the bloodstream, causing havoc on the body through the Oral Systemic Link. This link has proven that periodontal disease correlates with cardiac (heart) disease, strokes, diabetes and even Alzheimer’s.

Most myths seem pretty “logical,” isn’t that why we tend to believe them? However, knowing the difference between a dental myth and the truth can make a huge difference in your oral health, as well as your overall health! We believe that sharing this information with our patients is important. For more facts and dental myths, please feel free to check out our blog or contact us today!

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